Wednesday, December 11, 2013

User Downloads

User Downloads

User Downloads dowload

Features Restrict files to specific user List files assigned to specific user Allfile-URL are encrypted. 100% safe restricted files Todo Create several shortcodes Add counter to downloads and restriction on how many times it can be downloaded Add date when download expires Add login Usage Upload the plugin Enable the plugin


  • Restrict files to specific user
  • List files assigned to specific user
  • Allfile-URL are encrypted.
  • 100% safe restricted files


  • Create several shortcodes
  • Add counter to downloads and restriction on how many times it can be downloaded
  • Add date when download expires
  • Add login


  • Upload the plugin
  • Enable the plugin.
  • In the WordPress menu you now will see “User Downloads” added. If you go to “User Downloads” => “Settings” you can set your encryption keys.
  • Than you can create User Downloads wich goes as follows:
    • Create a User Download.
    • Enter a title
    • Enter some content
    • Select to wich user the to be uploaded files should be restricted
    • Upload files for this specific user
    • Publish the User Download
  • I created a function to get all files that are belongs to the logged in user. The functions is get_user_specific_downloads_as_array. With this you can do anything you want to. Let me give you an example of how to list all files of one user per User Download (per post):
  •        $userFiles = get_user_specific_downloads_as_array();       foreach($userFiles as $userdownload)       {           echo '<h2>'.$userdownload['title'].'</h2>';           echo $userdownload['content'];           echo '<ul>';           foreach($userdownload['files'] as $file)           {               echo '<li>';                $url = explode('/',$file['user_download_file']['url']);               $encryptedurl = user_specific_downloads_encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$url[8]);               $encryptedurl = rawurlencode($encryptedurl);                echo .= '<a href="'.plugins_url().'/user-downloads/download.php?file='.$encryptedurl.'">'.$file['user_download_file']['title'].'</a><br />';               echo .= '<em>'.$file['file']['description'].'</em>';                echo '</li>';           }           echo '</ul>';        }
  • If you have any questions (technical or not) I will be able to help you.


  • Fixed bug in settings panel.
  • Added support for subdomains.
  • Added support for Windows Servers.

User Downloads dowload

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