Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Download WP Secure - Hide The Fact And Speed Up Your Site

WP Secure - Hide The Fact And Speed Up Your Site

WP Secure - Hide The Fact And Speed Up Your Site dowload

Please read FAQ before send the questions for the issue. If this plugin is useful, could You please help me rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for me WP Secure Pro (WPS) is a Wordpress plugin, which can be use to hide the fact and Speed Up Your Site, No one can know You are using what plugin/theme

Please read FAQ before send the questions for the issue.

If this plugin is useful, could You please help me rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for me

WP Secure Pro (WPS) is a Wordpress plugin, which can be use to hide the fact and Speed Up Your Site, No one can know You are using what plugin/theme.

Works with other Security/Cache plugins, tested with Better WP Security, WP Super Cache.

Without any changes in Core, Files, Folders, Database structure.

Easy Installing,Managing or Uninstalling

Do not recommend in Child Theme


Main Features:

  • Hide and hash Default path (Theme and Plugins path).
  • Hide and lockdown backend.
  • Minify and hash CSS path – Main style (style.css), remove theme information, no one can know what theme You are using
  • Minify and hash JS path, no one can explore or re-use your JS.
  • Minify HTML.
  • Cache.
  • Disable Directory Browser
  • HTTP Compression
  • Removing revision, draft, auto draft, moderated comments, spam comments, trash comments, orphan postmeta, orphan commentmeta, orphan relationships, dashboard transient feed
  • Virtual Keyboard Admin Login, Preventing Keylogger (Available in Version 2.1), Demo
  • Translatable
  • One click Install/Uninstall

Hide WP Admin

[Old] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-login.php => Not found

[Old] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-admin/ => Not found

[New] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-admin/?secret=1234

[New] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-login.php?secret=1234

Change Author Base

[Old] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/author/admin/

[New] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/user/admin/

Minify, remove theme Informations and hash theme stylesheet path


Change Upload URL

[New] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/files/2013/08/img_2359-150×150.jpg

Change Ajax URL

[New] http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/ajax.php

Minify and hash All JS library loaded, No one can get your script.



Disable Directory Browser

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/files/2013/08/img_2359-150×150.jpg => Found

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/files/2013/08/ => Denied

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/files/ => Denied

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-content/uploads/ => Denied

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/wp-includes/ => Denied

http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/modules/382eef51c8/ => Denied

Remove Junk

  • Remove readme.html http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/readme.html
  • Remove license.txt http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/license.txt
  • Remove Feed Links
  • Remove Feed Links Extra
  • Remove RSD Link
  • Remove Wlwmanifest Link
  • Remove Index Rel Link
  • Remove Parent Post Rel Link
  • Remove Start Post Rel Link
  • Remove Adjacent Posts Rel Link
  • Remove WP Generator (WP Version)
  • Remove WP Shortlink
  • Remove NoIndex
  • Remove Admin Bar
  • Remove Script/Style version
easy to enable/disable all options in admin page.


Hash paths
Minify Main style, remove theme info.
Minify HTML, CSS internal
Minify Jquery/Javascript
Virtual Keyboard Admin Login, Preventing keylogger.


Ver 2.1.2 – 11/04/2013
 [Fix] Loading template path. 
Ver 2.1.1 – 10/28/2013
 [Update] Helptext document. [Fix] Check Writable htaccess permission. 
Ver 2.1.1 – 10/22/2013
 [Fix] Check Writable htaccess permission. [Fix] Loading Admin Ajax Url [Fix] Checking Method Exist. 
Ver 2.1 – 10/08/2013
 [New] Virtual Keyboad login - Preventing Keylogger, integrated as an Addon [Fix] Minify HTML, Minify CSS internal. 
Ver 2.0 – 09/24/2013
 [Fix] Crashing minify CSS/JS [Fix] Loading CSS. [New] Addons feature. [New] Disable Directory Browser: deny access to WP-CONTENT, WP-INCLUDES directory [New] HTTP Compression: This Addon allows you WordPress blog to output pages compressed in gzip format if a browser supports compression. HTTP compression generally means a 60-80% REDUCTION in the size of your pages (broadband usage) as well as an INCREASE in download speeds of 3x to 4x. [New] WP Cleaner: WP Cleaner can help us to clean up the wordpress database by removing revision, draft, auto draft, moderated comments, spam comments, trash comments, orphan postmeta, orphan commentmeta, orphan relationships, dashboard transient feed 
Ver 1.5 – 09/19/2013
 [Fix] Un-install plugin [Fix] Loading Language [New] Quick Support Form. [Fix] Loading valid external image link [Fix] Loading Featured images. [New] Custom error message with Visual Editor. [New] Purchase Key Validator. 
Ver 1.4 – 09/10/2013
 [Fix] Resolve minify JS crashing. [Fix] Remove html comment without condition. [Fix] Loading hash plugin JS/CSS/path. [New] Hide WP-Admin/WP-login.php with optional. 
Ver 1.3 – 08/20/2013
 [Fix] Install and Uninstall process. [Fix] Rewrite the system. [New] Notice admin re-settings the system when active new plugins or change the theme. [Fix] Available when setting plugin, decreasing crash. [Fix] Limit the timeout when CURL the break url (when minify CSS and JS). [Fix] Showing Image in Visual Editor (specialy thanks to agusmerdeko) how to Upgrade: Go to WP Secure Setting page and click Save Changes button. 
Ver 1.2 – 08/19/2013
 [Fix] Minify HTML and replace all default base, eg: wp-content/themes, wp-content/plugins, wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. [Fix] Rewrite notification when active other plugin. 
Ver 1.1 – 08/12/2013
 - [New] Minify and hash JS path (All JS loaded in theme and plugins). - [Fix] hook into get_template_directory() filter to change default path. - [Fix] Minify HTML. - [Fix] Update all available paths (Theme and plugins). - [Fix] Load plugin path and hash plugin's metakey (as md5). 
Ver 1.0 – 08/10/2013
 - Hide WP Admin/WP Login (domain.com/wp-admin) with custom message or leave for 404 page default. - Hide Theme path - Hide Plugin path. - Hide Includes path. - Hide Uploads default path, by default its domain.com/wp-content/uploads, now its domain.com/[your folder]. - Rewrite WP Ajax path, eg: domain.com/ajax.php - Minify and hash CSS path. - Minify HTML. - Rewrite author page, eg: domain.com/author/admin ==> domain.com/[your new]/admin - Hook into switch_theme to notice admin re-save the setting after switch the theme. - Translatable - Clear cache. - One click unistall/install. - Remove readme.html http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/readme.html - Remove license.txt http://wp-secure.wpoffice.net/license.txt - Remove Feed Links - Remove Feed Links Extra - Remove RSD Link - Remove Wlwmanifest Link - Remove Index Rel Link - Remove Parent Post Rel Link - Remove Start Post Rel Link - Remove Adjacent Posts Rel Link - Remove WP Generator (WP Version) - Remove WP Shortlink - Remove NoIndex - Remove Admin Bar - Remove Script/Style version 

WP Secure - Hide The Fact And Speed Up Your Site dowload

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