Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Download WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab

WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab

WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab dowload

WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab WooContact is a WooCommerce extension that adds the number one request of all of my clients that I have built WooCommerce web stores for to your website – a “Contact Us” form tab to the product page. This gives your visitors the chance to email you directly about the product they are viewing (without leaving the page they are on)

WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab

WooContact is a WooCommerce extension that adds the number one request of all of my clients that I have built WooCommerce web stores for to your website – a “Contact Us” form tab to the product page. This gives your visitors the chance to email you directly about the product they are viewing (without leaving the page they are on). You can also optionally display your physical address, phone number, fax number and social media links (with button icons) right in the contact tab as well (these are completely optional).

The contact form will submit to the email address that you designate on the settings page, or will default to the site admin email address if no email address is entered. You receive the inquiries right in your email with the user’s email address as the reply-to email, making it simple to respond to all inquiries directly in your preferred email program.

After uploading and activating the WooContact extension, you can setup all of your contact information and have your new “Contact Us” tab on your store’s product pages in under 5 minutes…without writing a single line of code yourself!


  • Install and setup in under 5 minutes without any hassles
  • Manually set mail-to address for the form (or default to the stores admin email address)
  • Built-in math-style CAPTCHA field (you can optionally set a custom question and answer in the settings)
  • Option to display physical address, phone, fax and social icon links in contact tab as well
  • On-screen notification for your visitor of successful email submission
  • Page URL of form submission included so you know what product the visitor is interested in
  • Contact form and tab content uses built-in WooCommerce classes – will adapt your theme’s styles


             v1.0.0             - First Stable Release         


  • What shopping carts will this plugin work for?
    The WooContact plugin is an extension for WooCommerce. This version will not work with other shopping carts such as JigoShop, WP-Ecommerce or Magento.

  • Will I need to modify my theme files in any way to get the contact form on my product pages?
    No, this plugin will hook the “Contact” tab right into your existing product tabs without you modifying a single line of code.

  • Is support available for this plugin after purchase?
    Yes, you can use the “Support” link listed below to visit my support center and get the assistance that you need.

  • Do I have to show my address and phone number on the “Contact” tab?
    No. You can choose to display only the contact form within the tab if you choose. However, most of my clients have found that many customers are feel far more comfortable shopping with a store that offers the option of a mailing address, phone number and social media links in their contact area.


WooCommerce Product Contact Form Tab dowload

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