Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Download Universal Donation Box

Universal Donation Box

Universal Donation Box dowload

Universal Donation Box is a powerful donation manager for your website. It handles unlimited number of donation campaigns, supports multiple payment gateways (PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, InterKassa, EgoPay, Perfect Money, BitPay and Stripe) and can be easily integrated into any website (no more difficult than insert Facebook Like button, check out steps 5-6 in “Installation” paragraph)

Universal Donation Box is a powerful donation manager for your website. It handles unlimited number of donation campaigns, supports multiple payment gateways (PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, InterKassa, EgoPay, Perfect Money, BitPay and Stripe) and can be easily integrated into any website (no more difficult than insert Facebook Like button, check out steps 5-6 in “Installation” paragraph). Universal Donation Box is the easiest and perfect way to monetize your website.

New Version Released

 Perfect Money supported. BitPay supported. Stripe supported. Mailing through SMTP supported. 


  • Handle donations on website: use this script to handle donations.
  • Multiple payment gateways: PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, InterKassa, EgoPay, Perfect Money, BitPay and Stripe.
  • Accept cryptocurrency – bitcoin: bitcoin payments are accepted through BitPay.
  • Accept major credit cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express: credit cards payments are accepted through Stripe.
  • Minimum donation limit: set minimum donation limit.
  • Unlimited campaigns: handle (create, edit, delete, block, unblock) unlimited number of campaigns.
  • Modern donation form: HTML5 + CSS3, AJAX-ed donation form.
  • Display top donors: script can display top donors.
  • Display recent donors: script can display top donors.
  • Content editor: insert any HTML-content inside of donation box.
  • Secure Admin Panel: configure script and manage data through nice admin panel.
  • Easy to integrate: insert only 3 lines of code into webpage (check out “Installation” paragraph).
  • Cross domain access supported: you can install script on one domain and use it with unlimited number of domains.
  • CSV Export: all donors can be exported as CSV-file.
  • PHP mail() function supported: emails can be sent through mail() function.
  • SMTP supported: emails can be sent through SMTP server.

Front End Demo

Click “Live Preview” or visit demo website to see how Universal Donation Box works.

Admin Panel Demo

You can try admin panel:
URL: http://halfdata.com/pluto/universal-donation-box/
Login: admin
Password: admin


Let’s imagine that you have website http://www.website.com/ and you want to install script there.

  1. Create folder donation-box (use any other name) in root of your domain. Once created it can be reached by URL: http://www.website.com/donation-box/
  2. Edit inc/config.php and set MySQL database parameters.
  3. Go to admin panel http://www.website.com/donation-box/ using default login/password (login: admin, password: admin), configure script on Settings page and create at least one campaign on Campaigns page.
  4. Make sure that your website loads jQuery. If it doesn’t, just add this line into head section:
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  5. If you plan to use Stripe, add this line into head section too:
    <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/v2/checkout.js"></script>
  6. Add these lines into head section (before </head> tag):
    <link href="//www.website.com/donation-box/css/udb.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//www.website.com/donation-box/js/udb-jsonp.js"></script>
  7. Add campaign shortcode (from Campaigns page) in the place where you want to see donation box. Example:
    <div class="unb-box" data-id="X"></div>


By default, donation box contains donation form only. You can customize donation box using data-rel attribute on step #6. Below you can see available basic values for this attribute:
  • form – display donation form
  • form-nourl – display donation form without “URL” field
  • top-X – display top X donors
  • recent-X – display recent X donors
You can create complex value by mixing basic values (ex. data-rel="form,top-5" or data-rel="top-5,recent-5"). Examples:
  1. This code generates donation box which contains donation form and list of top 10 donors:
    <div class="udb-box" data-id="X" data-rel="form,top-10"></div>
  2. This code generates donation box which contains list of 10 recent donors and list of top 5 donors:
    <div class="udb-box" data-id="X" data-rel="recent-10,top-5"></div>
  3. This code generates donation box which contains list of top 10 donors and form without “URL” field:
    <div class="udb-box" data-id="X" data-rel="top-10,form-nourl"></div>


  • PHP version 5.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
  • jQuery version 1.5 or greater


If you have problems regarding using the script, please contat me and I’ll help you.

Universal Donation Box dowload

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