Thursday, December 19, 2013

Download PHP MySQLi to MySQL Converter Class

PHP MySQLi to MySQL Converter Class

PHP MySQLi to MySQL Converter Class dowload

This class makes it possible to use Mysqli class in a not Mysqli supported php hosting. It is a handwritten mysqli class. So you can use Mysqli class without installing Mysqli extention. It has almost all functionality of the real MySQLi Class. If you are getting “Fatal error: Class ‘MySQLi’ not found”, this is solution
This class makes it possible to use Mysqli class in a not Mysqli supported php hosting.

It is a handwritten mysqli class.

So you can use Mysqli class without installing Mysqli extention. It has almost all functionality of the real MySQLi Class.

If you are getting “Fatal error: Class ‘MySQLi’ not found”, this is solution.

Just include my_mysqli.php and use mysqli class without any server configuration. It’s quite easy.

How to use it :

It’s very easy, after you include the library file, the only difference you have to make is changing the class name to my_mysqli when connecting.

 // Change :     $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world"); // to :     $mysqli = new my_mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world"); 

Features : Mysqli Class (mysqli.php)

     Constants : MYSQLI_ASSOC,MYSQLI_NUM,MYSQLI_BOTH      class my_mysqli         $conn;         $host_info         $protocol_version         $thread_id         $error         $errno         $affected_rows         $server_info         $client_info         $info         $insert_id;         function query()          function real_escape_string()          function close()          function set_charset()         function stat()      class my_mysqli_query         $query         $num_rows         $field_count         function fetch_all()         function fetch_assoc()          function fetch_array()         function fetch_row()         function fetch_field()         function free() 

PHP MySQLi to MySQL Converter Class dowload

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