Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Download ParseRSS - Parse a RSS with PHP5 Class

ParseRSS - Parse a RSS with PHP5 Class

ParseRSS - Parse a RSS with PHP5 Class dowload

ParseRSS is a PHP5 Class that will allow you to parse every kind of RSS Feed and get a very nice ordered array!.
If you want to see an example, please see the screenshots

The XML fields that this item parses are:
  • title
  • link
  • description
  • copyright
  • managingEditor
  • webMaster
  • pubDate
  • lastBuildDate
  • category
  • generator
  • docs
  • ttl
  • skipHours
  • skipDays
  • image
    -> title
    -> description
    -> link
    -> author
    -> category
    -> comments
    -> enclosure
    -> guid
    -> pubDate
  • enclosure
    -> url
    -> length
    -> type

ParseRSS - Parse a RSS with PHP5 Class dowload

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