Monday, December 23, 2013

Download My related posts

My related posts

My related posts dowload

Works with: (updated 2012-09-30) WP 3 .4.2 WP 3 .3 WP 3 .2 This plugin is based around the concept of lists. You can create a list, then assign posts to it. (A post can only be on one list.) When a list is created, you edit the blog posts and assign them to the list. When a blog post is assigned to a list, they can be listed in your blog posts
Works with: (updated 2012-09-30)
  • WP 3 .4.2
  • WP 3 .3
  • WP 3 .2

This plugin is based around the concept of lists. You can create a list, then assign posts to it. (A post can only be on one list.) When a list is created, you edit the blog posts and assign them to the list. When a blog post is assigned to a list, they can be listed in your blog posts.

This plugin differs from the other ones out there, because it does no magic! (And that’s a good thing). You have to create a list. Assign various blog posts to that list.

You have complete control of your related posts, making this plugin a great asset when you create a series of blog posts, with different parts or chapters.

It easy to use!

There are two ways to use this plugin. You can either edit your theme (file: my-theme/single.php) and add the following snippet: echo myrelposts_getrelated($title);
(The $title is optional, but let’s you specify a title to to appear before the actual related posts are listed.)

Or you can use a shortcode tag and add it manually to the posts you’d like!

Just add the following shortcode tag: [myrelposts-related title=”my title”]
(The title is optional, but let’s you specify a title to to appear before the actual related posts are listed.)

Get related posts and pages, using the list name!

A new feature in version 1.2 is that you can get a list of related posts, by passing the list name in the shortcode tag!
[myrelposts-related list=”my related post list”]
Using the list tag, causes the plugin NOT to look at the current post’s meta information, so use this tag wisely.
(as a bonus feature, you can use wildcards, text , in the list title.)

There’s more!

The lists you create can be made inactive. This means that you don’t have to scroll down thousands of items, to find the correct one. Simply make it inactive in the plugin options interface and it will be removed from the list.

Screencast helping you to get started

I have created a small screencast to show you how the plugin works. It even shows you the exact spot in the “twentyten” theme from wordpress, where I added my code snippet to make it all work.



Short list of changes in the different versions of the plugin.

Version 1.2

* You can now add pages to the related lists. * You can show a list of pages and posts, based on a list name

My related posts dowload

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