Thursday, December 12, 2013

Download Database Code Generator

Database Code Generator

Database Code Generator dowload

Database Code Generator Version 5 is here! Updated to 5.1.0 on 8/2013 Updated to 5.0.4 on 6/2013 DBCG was built to save time when working with a database. It automatically creates all kinds of outputs for you at the click of a button! Even Ajax forms!! In a cliff-notes fashion here’s what this script does

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Database Code Generator Version 5 is here!

Updated to 5.1.0 on 8/2013

Updated to 5.0.4 on 6/2013

DBCG was built to save time when working with a database. It automatically creates all kinds of outputs for you at the click of a button! Even Ajax forms!! In a cliff-notes fashion here’s what this script does. It hooks into your database and generates HTML and PHP code that you can copy and paste into your project. Instead of having to write a form – you can copy and paste one – customized to your database structure!! Instead of having to write the code to process your POST|GET|REQUEST request, you can copy and paste it. Instead of having to write INSERT, UPDATE, or SELECT statements, you can copy and paste it. Instead of… well, you get the picture.

Database Code Generator has over 100 different database interactions / operations at the touch of your fingers. See the full list at the bottom of the page!

DBCG is super simple to use! Just log in to your database and select your desired output and you’re done!!

Database Code Generator 5.0 is available for download!!

DBCG v5 is a complete rewrite. It has been written in a modular fashion so that you can build your own modules without worrying about a future update overwriting your custom work. If you choose to have the “Quick Login” setup, you can easily switch between databases and tables without having to log in each time you switch.

5.0 is translatable!

It comes with English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Turkish languages all ready to go. [Current translations are done by machine and may contain mistakes.]

DBCG 5.0 is built atop Twitters Bootstrap

It is easy to customize should you feel the need to do so!!

Database Statistics

When working with the database, Database Code Generator 5.0 will show you some statistics about the database like how much overhead the current table has versus how much overhead the entire database has. It shows you the average length of the rows in the current table as well as how many rows the table has. It also shows you how much data the table and database are using.

With DBCG I have created entire applets by point-click-copy-paste!!

I have created several small applets without having to actually code any backed PHP! I just copied and pasted from DBCG and was done! It actually took longer to do the front end design than it did to do the backend functionality!!

Nailed it!! – My Favorite Testimony:

Ajax Forms

Database Code Generator produces Ajax forms with no coding required!!! In the operations list, scroll down to the jQuery section and use one of the two [insert|update] full pages.

Database Searching

Want to put a search form on your website with as little effort as possible?


Nobody likes coding pagination – but everyone loves using it!

Database PDO

A mind-binder for some – just made easy!

Post, Get, Request, Raw, Array – you name it!

DBCG now allows you to produce output in just about every way imaginable.


I’m an old school developer. You know how annoying it is when you’re talking to someone and they try to finish each of your sentences for you? Sometimes they get it right, but most of the time you have to stop them, say no, and start all over. Well, that’s the way I feel about IDE’s. I’ve tried using NetBeans, but we end up fighting more than working. Not only that, but I don’t follow popular formatting conventions with my source code and it seems to irritate the crap out of netbeans because it’s always popping up with some bubble or another. I prefer notepad – a clean white screen with no interruptions!!! That being said – I do a lot of repetitive coding. So, I developed this script to save myself some time – the fact that I can sell it here was a bonus.

New Developers

This script was never intended to be used by new developers. It was more of a short cut for experienced developers. My script seems to be attracting a new developer crowd – which is cool – young blood brings new ideas!. DBCG has 5 “full page” operations. Quite literally, you select one of the full page operations, copy and paste the code to a new page on your server and give it a design. The full page operations have all the code needed from the form to POST processing and inserting/updating the database [see note below]. You can use these five operations as building blocks!!

Included PHP Functions

The included PHP functions should be customized to meet your security needs. They should work as they are for a controlled environment – but I recommend customizing them for your individual needs. In other words, think of them as hooks rather than production ready functions!!


I honestly don’t have time for the glitz and glam on this one. I cannot possibly list all the features and why you should buy it – but you should!

How To Use

Upload DBCG to the server you are developing on and log into the SQL Server with Step 1.

The script will pilfer your database and generate a list of tables for Step 2. Simply select the table you want to work with from the drop-down.

Step 3 will populate a drop-down list of all 16 39 50 109 options you can use to save yourself time in development by copy and pasting the generated code into your script(s).


This script will look to see the “type” of column that is in the database to determine the maxlength of the input fields. If the column is an INT or VarChar [or whatever] with a length of 8 then the maxlength of that particular input field will also be 8.

If the column type is “text, mediumtext, longtext, blob, mediumblob, or longblob” instead of using a text input, it will use a textarea.

HTML5 Forms

This script will match up column names with HTML5 input types to determine the type of input to use. For example: A valid input type for HTML5 is “email” – so, if the name of the column in the database is called “email” this script will use that HTML5 input type. HOWEVER, if the column name is e_mail – the script will give it a “text” input type unless e_mail is a custom column name (see box below).

HTML5 Custom Forms Types

Edit the config file. At the top you will see a list of arrays. Putting the name of your column in the appropriate array will trigger that column to be recognized as HTML5 type when the “Custom Column” checkbox is checked.

Example: Let’s say you have a column named “phone” that is used to store phone numbers, and you want that input field to be a HTML5 type of “number”.
$html5_number = array("phone");
By adding “phone” in the $html5_number array when you select HTML5 from the Opt dropdown, any column with the name of phone will be assigned the HTML5 input type of “number” when the “Custom Column” checkbox is checked.

To see the custom arrays in action:

In the live demo I have a table called “demo”. In that table is a column named “notes” – it is a VarChar with a 128 character limit.
Go to the live demo and click Submit.
In Step 2 select the table : “demo”
In Step 3 select the operation : “Form – input”
Wait for the results to show up and look at the [last] input named “notes”. You will notice that it is a text input.
Now place a checkmark in the “custom columns” checkbox. [at the top of the page]
Wait for the results to update and look at the [last] input named “notes”. You will notice that it is now a textarea.

Complete List of Operations

  • PHP Processing
    • Process Method
      • $_POST
      • $_GET
      • $_REQUEST
    • Database => Array
      • $key=>$val
      • $key
      • $val
      • Serialize
      • Unserialize
    • Database Echos
      • Echo Variables
  • MySQL
    • Connect
      • Connect
      • Connect[alt]
    • Insert
      • Insert
      • Insert [alt]
    • Update
      • Update
      • Update[alt]
    • Select
      • Select One
      • Select Many
      • Select All
      • Count Rows
    • Search
      • Search Left
      • Search Right
      • Search Both
    • Delete
      • Delete
  • Functions
    • Functions
      • Clean
      • sql_val
      • sql_key
      • reverb
      • print_x
  • Statistics
    • Stats
      • Statistics
  • Pages / Ajax
    • jQuery Source
      • jQuery fallback
      • jQuery
      • jQuery UI fallback
      • jQuery UI
    • Ajax
      • Full Page Ajaxed [Insert]
      • Full Page Ajaxed [Update]
    • HTML Pages
      • Full Page [Insert]
      • Full Page [Update]
      • Full Page Commented
  • Misc
    • Lists
      • Plain Text Table List
      • Plain Text Column List[alt]
  • Forms
    • HTML
      • HTML Form
      • HTML – Prefilled
    • HTML5
      • HTML5 Form
      • HTML5 Form – Prefilled
    • Obfuscation
      • HTML Form – Obfuscated
      • HTML Form – Obfuscated [alt]

Additional Plugins

  • PDO Database Operations
    • Connect
      • Connect
      • Connect[alt]
    • Insert
      • Insert
      • Insert [alt]
    • Update
      • Update
      • Update[alt]
    • Select
      • Select One
      • Select Many
      • Select All
    • Search
      • Search Left
      • Search Right
      • Search Both
    • Delete
      • Delete
  • MySQL Adv
    • Miscellaneous
      • Copy Table Structure
      • Drop Down List of Tables
      • Drop Down List of Columns
      • Drop Down List Generator
      • Find & Show Duplicates
      • Next Auto Increment – the safe way
      • Next Auto Increment
      • Next Auto Increment [alt]
      • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update
      • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update [alt]
      • Pagination
  • Reverse
    • Form
      • Reverse Form
    • Table
      • Reverse Table


  • Version 5.1 – Aug 19th 2013
    • More than 2 dozen tweaks, bug fixes and enhancements
    • No longer requires Mod Rewrite
  • Version 5.0 – Mar 3rd 2013
    • Process Operations
      • $_GET
      • $_REQUEST
    • MySQL Operations
      • Search [Left]
      • Search [Right]
      • Search [Both]
      • Count Rows
    • Ajax Stuff
      • External Hosted jQuery
      • jQuery UI
      • External Hosted jQuery UI
    • Statistics
      • Database & Table Size
      • Database & Table Overhead
      • Database & Table Column Count
      • Database & Table Row Count
      • Database & Table Average Row Length
    • Additional Plugins
      • PDO Database Operations
        • Connect
          • Connect
          • Connect[alt]
        • Insert
          • Insert
          • Insert [alt]
        • Update
          • Update
          • Update[alt]
        • Select
          • Select One
          • Select Many
          • Select All
        • Search
          • Search Left
          • Search Right
          • Search Both
        • Delete
          • Delete
      • MySQL Adv
        • Miscellaneous
          • Copy Table Structure
          • Drop Down List of Tables
          • Drop Down List of Columns
          • Drop Down List Generator
          • Find & Show Duplicates
          • Next Auto Increment – the safe way
          • Next Auto Increment
          • Next Auto Increment [alt]
          • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update
          • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update [alt]
          • Pagination
      • Reverse
        • Form
          • Reverse Form
        • Table
          • Reverse Table
  • Version 4.0 – Nov 20th 2012
  • Version 3.0 – Jan 11th 2011
    • Create Table
    • jQuery
    • jQuery Full Page [Insert]
    • jQuery Full Page [Update]
    • Find & Show Duplicates
    • Next Auto Increment – the safe way
    • Next Auto Increment
    • Next Auto Increment [alt]
    • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update
    • Insert Into – On Duplicate – Update [alt]
    • Full Page [Insert] Fully Commented
  • Version 2.0 – Complete ReWrite – Nov 2nd 2011
    • Select All
    • Select All in a Table
    • Delete from database
    • PHP Array key=>$val
    • PHP Array $val
    • PHP Array key
    • PHP Array Serialize for DB
    • PHP Array UnSerialize from DB
    • if isset echo
    • if isset clean echo
    • if not empty echo
    • if not empty clean echo
    • HTML Form – Obfuscated
    • HTML Form – Obfuscated [alt]
    • Drop Down List of Tables
    • Drop Down List of Columns
    • Select Generator
    • Full Page [Insert]
    • Full Page [Update]
    • function sql_val()
    • function clean()
    • function reverb()
    • function print_x()
    • All functions used
  • Version 1.0 – Initial Release – Oct. 24th 2011
    • Database Connection
    • Database Connection [alt]
    • Select One
    • Select Many
    • Insert Into Database
    • Insert Into Database [alt]
    • Update Database
    • Update Database [alt]
    • Post
    • PHP Array
    • Form – Input
    • Form – Input [prefilled]
    • HTML5 Form – Input
    • HTML5 Form – Input [prefilled]
    • Plain Text Column List
    • Plain Text Table List

Database Code Generator dowload

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