Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Download Autoresponse Pro - Email Autoresponder Plugin

Autoresponse Pro - Email Autoresponder Plugin

Autoresponse Pro - Email Autoresponder Plugin dowload

Autoresponse Pro is a email marketing plugin that allows you to capture leads with optin forms and send email newsletters instantly with a drag and drop editor WE designed Autoresponse Pro becuase we did not have the flexibility we needed with our current email marketing solutions. EMAIL SENDING OPTIONS: You can send emails via a broadcast, You can Schedule a email on a certain date Or you can set a autoresponder to send out the emails at any time interval you choose

Autoresponse Pro is a email marketing plugin that allows you to capture leads with optin forms and send email newsletters instantly with a drag and drop editor

WE designed Autoresponse Pro becuase we did not have the flexibility we needed with our current email marketing solutions.

EMAIL SENDING OPTIONS: You can send emails via a broadcast, You can Schedule a email on a certain date Or you can set a autoresponder to send out the emails at any time interval you choose.

Emails can be sent via any SMTP service provider including Sendgrid, Mailjet and many more. We also work with GMAIL SMTP services and Amazon SES.

Emails sent via Autoresponse pro end up in the primary tab on the gmail inbox If you follow email marketing best practices.

We have created a email marketing email builder that allows you to customize your email newsletters any way you wish. One click and drag and drop makes this a very versatile solution. Now Gmail turns emails ON by default you can really up your game with our Newsletter Builder.

Inside the builder you will find a shortcode system that enables you to personalize your emails. You can include First Name, Last Name, Full Name Or their email address. You can also add in your unsubscribe links with this feature and can customize the text that appears on that link.

LEAD CAPTURE OPTIONS: Autresponse Pro allows you to collect leads and stores their information inside the WordPress database. You can send emails to these leads in anyway you wish.

We also offer automation between lists, So you can remove users from one list and add them to another when they sign up to a new web form. You can actually sign users up to multiple lists from one web form as well so if you want to have a list for promotions and a list for product updates you can do this with Autoresponse Pro.

You can make manual adjustments and remove users or manage your subscribers from the subscribers page inside the plugin.

You can also import and export your whole user lists via CSV files. making it drop dead simple to fine tune your list and make changes on the fly.


Our optin forms are completely responsive. and you can even insert them on external sites with the html form code we provide with each form you setup.

The optin forms we provide also allow you to either redirect a user after they sign up or stay on the same page BUT they switch out the content of your optin form with anything you wish. optin forms are usually placed in prime locations on your site and the users that have subscribed to your forms do not need to see them again so why not put a banner or promotion in that space.

BACKING UP OPTIONS: Scared of losing your list? Not anymore, With Autoresponse Pro you can use it as your primary or secondary Autoresponder service. You have probably heard of services like Aweber or get response shutting down accounts without warning and leaving you without access to your email contacts. Well this is where Autoresponse Pro can help.

You can use us as a go between so when a user signs up to your Autoresponse Pro list they get added to your WordPress database and then you can send the details to your third part service like Aweber or any other autoresponder service you may use.

This gives you peace of mind that you always have a backup of your contacts even if your autoresponder service shuts you down.

CONCLUSION Autoresponse Pro is designed for speed and effective marketing. when you create a new email list, a web form is automatically created. We still have many improvements to make to this platform so buy now and joining a development team that innovates instead of copying.

With your purchase you will receive the Autoresponse Plugin and PDF documentation. Videos Tutorials are in progress and we should have them ready for you very soon.

Autoresponse Pro - Email Autoresponder Plugin dowload

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