Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Download Night Club Mobile App

Night Club Mobile App

Night Club Mobile App dowload

About This is Titanium Mobile Application developed specially for Night clubs, Discotheques, Cafes etc.. Contains several modules that are easy to extend and modify. 5 minutes of setup will be enough for the app to be ready for publishing.Works with iPhone iPad and Android. Hope you like it


This is Titanium Mobile Application developed specially for Night clubs, Discotheques, Cafes etc.. Contains several modules that are easy to extend and modify. 5 minutes of setup will be enough for the app to be ready for publishing.Works with iPhone iPad and Android.

Hope you like it.

Here is video, how to import and run the project https://vimeo.com/75361472


This module is the core of the app. It is a module that will showcase your events from this sources
  1. Facebook events – List of events from your facebook fan page
  2. Event brite – Leading online event manager http://www.eventbrite.com
  3. WordPress Events Manager – List of events from the wordpress plugin Events Manager
The gallery is robust and good looking gallery that can fetch albums and galleries from
  1. Facebook – display your fan page albums and photos, together with description of the photos.
  2. Goolge + / Picasa can also be used as source for this gallery module .
  3. Flickr gallery will fetch you public images from flickr .
  4. NextGen gallery is a gallery that works with the latest working version of NextGen for Wordpress 1.9.13.

Music module

The music module will fetch and play all your or favorite tracks from Sound Cloud. The best function is that the player will continue play while user explore the contents of other tabs.

And more

Here is the Map module that will display your venue location to the user. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube tabs are here to engage more fans on your social networks..


  1. Easy to implement – follows CommonJS standard
  2. Async image loading
  3. Easy to change the date format
  4. Easy to change any object color
  5. 5 min set up

Differences between Android and iOS version

  1. YouTube opens in YouTube App in android ( YouTube videos can’t play in Android Browser)
  2. Music can’t play in Android while you are exploring other tabs, due to how android handles/opens tabs.


 Version 5.0 - 2013-09-26 - Current   * iOS 7 Support * Cover photo from Facebook events.  * Other bugs in event module fixed  -----------------------------------------------  Version 4.1 - 2013-06-17    * EVENT BRITE module included https://www.eventbrite.com * Fixed problem with small tab icons in android * Other bugs in event module fixed  -----------------------------------------------  Version 4.0 - 2013-06-10  * Updated Android Map * Works With latest Titanium SDK * Gallery problems fixed * Facebook error fixed  -----------------------------------------------  Version 3.0  * Gallery image description and load more images in Facebook * Map problem fix * New contact module  -----------------------------------------------  Version 2.0  * Source compatible with Android * Updated documentation. 

Buyer words

This app is top notch! Works perfect on iPhone and Android. Thanks for the quick and excellent support, dimovdaniel! bsouth

I don’t have Mac / I’m not developer

You want this app for your night club but you are not developer or you don’t have Mac. You can contact us for quote for mobile app similar to this with costume characteristics at nextwebart.com.

Sources and Credits

  1. Urban Touch ( not included as part of the project )  – only for showcase
  2. Ministry of Sound FB, TW, YT, Sound Cloud, profile for the Images in the Screens Shots.
  3. DateJs, for the Dates in the Events Module
  4. Glyphish icons ( in the project are only small icons – not retina )

Night Club Mobile App dowload

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