Webmeta Image Webmeta is a simple small and self-controlled page vistors track script without javascript. After creating a track profile, the script will generate an image url to you, You insert the 1×1 hidden image to the pages you want to track and go. Please try our live demo (that track our codecanyon profile) here: http://www
Webmeta Image
Webmeta is a simple small and self-controlled page vistors track script without javascript. After creating a track profile, the script will generate an image url to you, You insert the 1×1 hidden image to the pages you want to track and go.
Please try our live demo (that track our codecanyon profile) here: http://www.tmworks.org/webmeta/admin.phpHow to use?
1. Create database webmeta, and execute the schema.sql to create required tables;
2. Extract the webmeta.zip to your script directory;
3. Open the application/config/database.php file to edit hostname, username, password and database to yours
4. Open http://yourserver/your script directory/admin.php with browser and go, the default password is ‘pleasechangeme’
5. Click create profile button will generate a gif image (1×1 hidden), the absolute image url will shown in the profile droplist
6. Embed the image html code in your tracked page.
We are doing a BIG upgrade for our flagship DbFacePHP for MySQL product!
I would like your comments, new feature request (i will implement it), also new design requests / suggestions.
Live demo: http://www.dbfacephp.com/mockup/index.php
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