The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress help you to display tooltip or annotation of your image with smooth CSS3 transition. You can choose to display the popover when user click or mouseover, and easily drag the icon to update the HotSpot’s position in the backend. The working live preview is available in the backend, something like wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get)
The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress help you to display tooltip or annotation of your image with smooth CSS3 transition. You can choose to display the popover when user click or mouseover, and easily drag the icon to update the HotSpot’s position in the backend. The working live preview is available in the backend, something like wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get).
The HotSpot works fine on the backend preview but not showing in the frontend?
Please try to wrap the shortcode with raw, like:[raw][hotspot id=789 /][/raw]Some theme will add blank <p></p> to the content of the shortcode, this break the plugin. The raw tag will prevent it to add the unnecessary blank p tags.
For the prior buyers, how to update? (before version 1.2)
Just overwrite the files, and don’t forget to publish the HotSpot again in the edit page to keep it working. The exist pin/icon’s position and settings will retain. And you can choose the new feature from the edit page too. Like the drop in animation, different icon etc.
Update log (2 January 2014)
- Add custom pin icon support, now you can add your own custom pin icon in the setting.
Update log (22 December 13)
- Fix the arrow is missing in the backend live preview of the WordPress 3.8
Update log (21 October 13) sneak preview
- Different icon for hotspot in same image.
- Optional popover size, background and color.
- Optional label under the icon.
- Icon drop in animation.
- Hyperlink with the icon.
- Experiment YouTube video popover.
- Easy to install and setup with WordPress, live working preview of the HotSpot on the edit page, help you update HotSpot easily, something like wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get).
- Draggable icons in the backend, let you update the hotspot’s position easily with mouse drag, you can see the demo video in YouTube.
- 4 directions of popover, can be in top, right, bottom and left.
- Responsive, works fine with small screen device.
- Compatible with latest jQuery(1.10.x) and latest WordPress.
- Multiple HotSpot instance on same page, unlimited HotSpot you can add to a image.
- Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
- You can add/edit the Image HotSpot without touching the code. Customize/update the image and text with WordPress backend.
- CSS3 transition support, fade only on the older browser, like IE8.
- Optional auto delay slideshow.
- FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.
“Great plugin and I have been looking for something like this for years.
Thanks, 100% satisfied.”
“Great plugin! Just what I needed. Way better than any other image maps.”
“Congratulations on your fast respond to requests, great job!
I recommend this plug-in .”
“I can’t tell you how excited I am about this software. I have struggled for nearly a year to get something that worked. No eternal hosting of photographs, no complicated code. And if I want to add another hotspot later it’s all there. My previous software I had to rebuilt the whole image map just to make a simple correction. – OK so a bit of HTML but nothing that can’t be cut and pasted from the text part of the site. Worth every penny!”
Screenshot of the backend in WordPress:
HotSpot edit page
You can also check the HTML/JS version
jQuery HotSpot plugin with slideshowRecommended file:
jQuery OneByOne Slider PluginCredit
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