Shapes Code are a collection of files that allow to use shapes in your applications. They are easy to integrate and easy to use. With these resources you can simply draw in you iphone / ipad app one or more line, rectangles and circles with differents colors and opacity. In fact, the object is created deciding color (with RGB values??) and the opacity, as you need
Shapes Code are a collection of files that allow to use shapes in your applications. They are easy to integrate and easy to use. With these resources you can simply draw in you iphone / ipad app one or more line, rectangles and circles with differents colors and opacity. In fact, the object is created deciding color (with RGB values??) and the opacity, as you need. For example, if you want to add a circle you can do it with only four lines of code. No image, it’s all math! So, less use of resources and memory, smaller size of the application and you can change it dinamically within the application.
In the zip, you can find a folder with the classes that you need to create shapes and a demo, an xcode project that use those files. In our demo there are also instructions that explain step by step all things that you have to do to add shapes in your project. Follow them and you will not have trouble creating your shapes.
Look at the screenshots to see the resource integrated and working.
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