Who is online in real time This little tool is discreetly integrated into your back office and warn you with a small sound alert each newcomer to your shop by clicking on the icon located next to the number of visitors online you will reach a console detailing all online visitors and their local information
Who is online in real time
This little tool is discreetly integrated into your back office and warn you with a small sound alert each newcomer to your shop by clicking on the icon located next to the number of visitors online you will reach a console detailing all online visitors and their local information. Feel free to test the module by going to the demo store.Demo account
- Link Back Office
- Login : whoisonline@prestaspirit.fr
- Password : whoisonline
- Real-time analysis of visitors to the shop
- Sound alert for new entrants
- Detailed information about visitors
- IP visitor
- Operating system
- Browser
- Hostname
- Current page
- Reference Page
- Page views
- Date and time of arrival
- Time spent at the store
- Id visitorcustomer
- Id Customer
- Name
- Email client
- Line to the customer record back office (1.5 only)
- Location of visitors
- Screen Resolution
- Geolocation map
- Compatible multi store
- Showing the store during the visit
- Improved visual cart
- Adding table followed links
- Added statistics
- Enable disable statistics
- Page summary statistic + followed links
- Visualiation basket on the Stats page
- Cleaning the database
- Automatic Redimenssionnement the window
- Refactoring code
Documentation included and available by clicking on the following link Who Is Online Documentation
Qui est en ligne en temps réel
Ce petit outil s’intègre discrètement dans votre backoffice et vous préviens par une petite alerte sonore de chaque nouvelle venue sur votre boutique, en cliquant sur l’icone situé à coté du nombre de visiteur en ligne vous accéderez à une console détaillant l’ensemble des visiteurs en ligne ainsi que leurs informations local. N’hésitez pas a tester le module en vous rendant sur la boutique de démonstration.Demo account
- Lien Back Office
- Login : whoisonline@prestaspirit.fr
- Password : whoisonline
- Analyse en temps réel des visiteurs sur la boutique
- Alerte sonore des nouveaux entrants
- informations détaillé sur les visiteurs
- ip du visiteur
- Système d’exploitation
- Navigateur
- Nom d’hôte
- Page en cours
- Page de référence
- Page vues
- Date et heure d’arrivé
- Temps passé sur la boutique
- Id visiteur
- Id client
- Nom du client
- Email du client
- Line vers la fiche client du back office (1.5 seulement)
- Localisation du visiteur
- Résolution d’écran
- Carte de géolocalisation
- Compatible multi boutique
- Affichage de la boutique en cours de visite
- Amélioration visuel du panier
- Ajout tableau suivie des liens
- Ajout des statistiques
- Activation désactivation des statistiques
- Page statistique récapitulative + suivie des liens
- Visualisation du panier sur la page statiques
- Nettoyage de la base de données
- Redimensionnement automatique de la fenêtre
- Refactorisation du code
Documentations inclus et disponible en cliquant sur le lien suivant Who Is Online Documentation
Module Operation
- To set the module click on the first link configure that appears after the module is installed.
- Here is an overview of the available settings for the module.
- 1) Allows to exclude IP addresses that you do not want tracker during a visit to your shop (useful for not recognizing your visits, for example), you can specify multiple IP addresses separated by commas.
- 2) Specifies the time in minutes before a visitor is regarded as having finished the visit to the site, it may simply be inactive but will not appear in the console once the set time has elapsed.
- 3) Allows you to enable or disable the sound effect when a visitor arrives at the shop.
- 4) Several rings are available, this switch allows you to play the selected audio power test file, click the “Update” button to keep
- 5) Allows you to enable or disable the statistics of visits, a new tab will be created admin to view all visits to the specified period.
- 6) Cleaning frequency statistics in the database, if you have thousands of visits per day is recommended to minimize the cleaning frequency to avoid overloading your database.
- 1) Allows to exclude IP addresses that you do not want tracker during a visit to your shop (useful for not recognizing your visits, for example), you can specify multiple IP addresses separated by commas.
- To display the console visitors online click on the icon in the header of the back office.
- The console opens, you can see visitors currently online on your shop.
- Mousing on the number of products you will see details of current basket for every visitor.
- A more detailed page the visitor is available by clicking on its IP address.
- You can also find all visits in the back office by enabling statistics from the control panel module.
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